Vessels of Honor 2023
The goal of the conference is to see believers yield themselves as vessels available to God, sanctified and pure, prepared for the Master’s use. The theme of the Vessels of Honor 2023 conference is “Faithfulness in fulfilling your role in your Local Meeting". The conference is for young adults, minimum age of 18, and is scheduled for Memorial Day weekend, May 26-29, 2023.
Vessels 2023 Location
Calvary University
for the third consecutive year, we will be borrowing the Belton Campus of Calvary University for the weekend. Just south of the Kansas City metro, Calvary offers dining, lodging, and an array of options for lectures, worship, prayer, athletics and fellowship.
Vessels 2023
Seminar Speakers
Every year at Vessels, a team of seminar speakers presents on a range of topics to share what the Lord has put on their hearts for the next generation of believers. Each seminar is given twice to allow for the maximum number of attendees, while still maintaining a classroom-like dynamic. Be sure to mark your choices in your registration forms!
Navigating fellowship and friendship for a lifetime
Searching for True Fellowship Amongst the Lonely Generation
Hannah Kelderman
An examination of the idols we cling to, their impact on us, and practical paths to deliverance.
Dealing With the Idols in Your Pocket
Hannah Kelderman
God is Holy and we are encouraged in the Scriptures to be Holy as He is Holy, it is evident that there is much failure in this area in today’s Church. We want to define what does God mean when He says Be Holy, and just how that is to be attained in today's very unholy World.
Holiness of Life
Mike Attwood
There is much confusion today about the subject of worship, we want to take a close look at the Scriptures both Old and New Testaments and seek to develop a clear view from them as to worship. It might just change our thinking and radically change our views.
True Worship
Mike Attwood
In Song of Songs, God provides us an example of a healthy, vibrant relationship before and during marriage. This beautiful “musical” is full of valuable principles that can be a practical help to us. Let’s not settle for the degraded state of relationships so common in this world, but instead aim to enjoy God’s blessed design.
Healthy Relationship Lessons from Song of Songs
Bruce Hulshizer
One who perceptively urges God to do what He wants to do is precious to God, as seen in Daniel 9 and 10. What a privilege to pray and thus be part of God at work! May the Lord encourage us in our praying through this God-given example.
Developing in Prayer through Daniel's Example
Bruce Hulshizer
The Bible tells us that we are all essential parts of the local body of believers. But sometimes as men, we aren’t sure how or where we can help. What are the opportunities and the perceived obstacles to a young man serving in the local church? How do I get started? What if I don’t know what my spiritual gift is or where I’m needed? We will look at what the Bible says. I also want to hear from you, hear your questions and concerns. Together we’ll help each other see how we can be used of God in the local assembly of believers where He has placed us. You are needed wherever you are!
Young Men: Paul, Timothy and……You! (Men Only)
Mark Lightfoot
Our world of instant global communication feeds us with endless things to worry about. Someone says World War III is breaking out in Ukraine, it’s on our cell phones in 30 seconds. Headlines attack us for our beliefs and paints us as terrible people and we feel backed into a corner before we can say a word. Maybe our worries are much closer to home - the loss of a job and lack of money. The potential sources of fear are countless. How do we stop living in fear and start living in faith, with joy and peace? We will discuss things such as what we fear and why are we anxious about things. Is being worried always wrong (the answer might surprise you)? How do I live in faith and how will that counteract fear? We want to go beyond talking about abstract theory and talk specifics and see how God gives us real world answers. In II Cor 1:4, Paul says we are comforted in our troubles so that we can help comfort others. Let’s do that for each other.
Are You Living in Fear or Living in Faith?
Mark Lightfoot
Vessels 2023
Seminar Schedule
Vessels moves awfully quick! Explore and download our schedule to make sure you don't miss anything. If you have any questions or are looking for any details, send us a message on Facebook. See you on campus!